Andy Liner
Andy Liner has hosted 41 episodes.
Andy is a lifetime wrestling fan who grew up loving guys like Shawn Michaels, Great Muta, Flyin Brian, Lex Luger, and Sting. As he got older and into college and Olympic wrestling he grew to love guys like Brock, Kurt Angle, and Shelton Benjamin while admiring the promo skills of The Rock, the moves of the Hardy’s and the hilarious antics of Edge and Christian. He Velveteen Dreams of a time where tag wrestling will main event shows and loves guys with the initials of KO, Owens and Omega, and believes that women’s wrestling is the best it has ever been with ladies like Lynch, Flair, Banks and Baszler. His best memories of live events is going to the Royal Rumble in 06, getting hit by a piece of a table in a Sabu vs Abyss Barbed Wire Massacre match from TNA’s Turning Point in 05, attending Wrestlemania in 2017, and seeing guys like MJF, Joey Ryan, and Darby Allin at MLW’s Never Say Never card in 2017. Andy thinks we are in the greatest era of wrestling as he believes there truly is something for everyone.
Drew Kistler
Drew Kistler has hosted 48 episodes.
Drew Kistler would never cane Seeey.
Forged in the flames of Florida’s fiery summers, and hardened by the icy winters of northwest Ohio, Drew Kistler brings his unique opinions to JabroniU’s Schoolboy Roundup every week.
Daniel Solorzano
Daniel Solorzano has hosted 199 episodes.
Five years ago, a man's fantasy became reality in a form never seen before: Jabroni University, a giant podcasting network. The motivation for spending his fortune to create Jabroni University was to encounter new, original podcasts, which could be called true artistic creations. To realize his dream he secretly started choosing the top podcasters of various types of media, and he called his men The Iron Refs; the invincible men of podcasting skills. Iron Ref Japanese is Daniel Solorzano, also known as Handsome Daniel, The Five-Star Man, and The Iron Man of Podcasting.
Bonesaw has hosted 148 episodes.
Bonesaw still doesn't care what his old man told him that one time 28 years ago, Papa Shango absolutely made that guy throw up using his voodoo magic. From Razor Ramon to Chris Jericho, Kevin Owens to Lance Archer, he's always had a soft spot for the bad guys and the assholes. But if you think YOU have what it takes to be the first babyface to thaw his icy heart, Bonesaw is always REEEEADYYYYYYYYYYY!